Arts, Languages and Communication

The Division of Arts, Languages and Communication provides courses of study in communication including media communications, and speech communication; in fine arts, including art, dance, theatre arts and music; and in World Languages and American Sign Language. Courses and programs are designed to meet the needs of those seeking a general education, transfer to a university or preparation for careers in these fields. All members of the faculty are experienced working professionals in their fields.

Arts, Languages, and Communication
Dr. Vanessa Fountain, 7155
Christine Girsch, Administrative Assistant III, 7155


American Sign Language
Jamie Shatwell (Gould)
ext: 7855

Art and Humanities
Jennifer Bennett
ext: 7966

Roxanne Tuscany (co-chair)
ext: 7276


Victoria Curran (co-chair)

ext: 7771

Nancy Boskin-Mullen

Interim Chair
ext: 7759

World Languages
Ruth Navarro (chair)

ext: 7292


Sonia Ghattas-Soliman 
ext: 7348


Astrid Ronke (coordinator)

ext: 7454 x. 3888


Media Communications
Jeanette Calo
ext: 7269

Derek Cannon
ext: 7257

Theatre Arts
Craig Everett (Co-Chair) ext: 7273 

Katie Banville (Co-chair)